Centipede Grass Seed Coated - sold by the pound.
Centipede grass seed is used for lawn, small pastures, and premium turf application throughout the southern United States. Best when planted in late spring to early summer when temperatures are above 70 degrees Fahrenheit and all dangers of freeze and frost have past. Once established, characteristics include medium green color and medium texture. It is more shade-tolerant than Bermudagrass, but less tolerant of salt
Warm-season, heat-tolerant grass.
Suitable for Southeast lawns.
Low maintenance and nutrient requirements.
Moderate shade tolerance.
Sensitive to alkaline soil.
Relatively shallow root system.
1 pound per bag (plants up to 2,000 square feet)
For best results plant when soil temperatures are at or above 70 Degrees. Plant one pound (16oz.) Centipede Seed per 2,000 to 4,000 square feet of lawn. Planting more seed will result in faster coverage.