Scion Insecticide with UVX Technology is engineered to decisively control the toughest pests; it maintains a continuous residual for 90 days even when faced with harsh surfaces, high temperatures and intense sunlight. These features make Scion ideal for long service intervals when treating for tough insect and arachnid pests, or in areas that face extreme conditions.
• Mosquitos
• Ticks
• Scorpions
• Spiders
• Cockroaches
• Over 25 other listed pests
Apply Scion insecticide at a rate of 0.65 fl. oz. per gallon to any residential, commercial, or other label permitted use site up to a 75-day interval. Scion may be applied using a blower/mister, tank sprayer or backpack sprayer.
Scion is engineered to decisively control the toughest pests – mosquitos, ants, cockroaches, spiders, scorpions, ticks and over 25 other pests – by maintaining a continuous residual for 90 days even when faced with harsh surfaces, high temperatures and intense sunlight. These features make Scion ideal for long service intervals, tough insect and arachnid pests, or areas that face extreme conditions including residential, commercial, institutional and industrial, perimeters and food handling establishments.
Scion is backed by multiple Assurance programs that give applicators full confidence in Scion's performance – as well as a marketable tool to use with customers. The versatility of Scion is apparent by the Assurances offered – 90 days for perimeter pests, 75 days for mosquitos and 75 days for ticks!
Rate range:
0.0075% Al (0.16 fl oz) (5 ml) / gal water 0.5 fl oz (15 ml) / 3 gal water
Up to
0.015% Al 0.33 fl oz (10 ml) / gal water 1.0 fl oz (30 ml) / 3 gal water