Fusilade II herbicide is a selective post-emergent turf and ornamental herbicide that controls a long list of both perennial and annual grass weeds in a variety of turf and landscape areas. Extremely fast and effective, Fusilade II can be applied over-the-top or as a directed spray without damaging valuable ornamental plants/shrubs. It can also be used at reduced rates to safely remove bermudagrass from tall fescue and zoysiagrass.
Rate of use: Apply 0.4-0.6 oz/1000 sq ft (16-24 oz/A) of Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide in sufficient water along with 0.25% (1/2 pt/25 gal) of a nonionic surfactant. Use only nonionic surfactant on ornamentals.
Active ingredient: 24.5% Fluazifop-P-butyl
32 ounce bottle